Sunday 27 October 2013

13th October 2013 -  20th October 2013, Management Theories.

Just after enriching ourselves with the knowledge of  different organizational structures in the business, we moved forward to the management. As always, the Monday's lecture was the first class, it started with the question, what is management? It is nothing but performing things according to the plan with the aid of people and other resources. The functions of management are to set goals and deciding strategies by which these goals could be achieved, by deciding on how things would be done and dividing those into tasks and responsibilities, by controlling the path of the organization on which it moves, to ensure that things are been done the right way and effectively by the right communication and co-ordination between people, finding weaknesses and resolving them, motivating workers and making the best possible decisions.
The main focus was on the management theories throughout the week, most of them are old and as they were made by people itself, so they were actually a POV of how they thought would bring better results for businesses. Some of the theories we learnt about this week goes as follow:

The above picture is of Frederick Taylor, his theory was known as Scientific Management. He believed in efficiency and productivity, he introduced the idea of picking the best way of performing a task by observing different people doing a particular task, which takes the least time and gives the most output and by making everyone follow it, which would increase efficiency by reducing waste, time and money. He believed that workers are only motivated by money and they are only concerned with their job. The negative side of his theory was simple, he never thought about the people who wouldn't cope up with the new style of doing a task and regarded workers as machine and not humans.

The name is already mentioned in the picture, Fayol emphasised on administration. After searching for him on Google, to understand his theories in depth, he was actually an engineer at a mining company, later promoted to director. He thought alot about the management of the organization and developed the 14 principals of management and 6 functions of management, which were summarized in our class and we were given a background about what mindset he had.

This is Max Weber, his theories are strictly about rules and regulation and an organization being bureaucratic in order to be successful. He thought that an organization needs to be organized, and it can be only done if rules are followed. His theories are only suitable for some businesses and it is not very flexible. It also has minimal employee discretion and too many rules may be discouraging for employees. His theory is very old fashioned and some rules must be there in his rules based theory to country bureaucracy itself. Although, his theories can be used in today's organization too, where there is little need of flexible, but organization like google and apple which are extremely flexible cant apply his theories.

He observed theories of others like Taylor and Webber and integrated them with his thoughts. He believed that the span of control of a company should be limited, in our lecture class, when we came to this point, we were revised the previous weeks lecture which included this, Span of control and were asked the possible limitations of span of control which Urwick supported. His theories are also applicable to some particular organizations which would match the criteria of his theories. Communication is easy as spans are limited and because the supervision level and control would be high, there would be less chances of delegation. Giving rights and delegating to labours may bring motivation and innovation in an organization.

He is Elton Mayo, he got famous because of his Hawthorne effect in which he shifted the place of people into an Hawthorne factory and changed their environment and equipments and the way they used to work daily, since people get bored of the way they perform a task with the same method. According to the research, the output did increase by the improved social relationships and human interaction which bought this change in the theoretical world of management and brought the thought of thinking about human relation and how it improving it could benefit an organization.

He might not be known to alot of people by face and also personally, but he was the owner of the famous Ford Motor Company, which is even famous till today. We were also showed a clip about his work and the way he mass produced cars and how he believed that mass production brings maximum efficiency in an organization. He believed to create car which would be accepted by everyone and created thousands and thousands of cars with a little or no diversification in it. It focuses on producing a same kind of product on mass, and doesn't give a choice and varierty for consumers, this theory would support businesses that benefits from monopoly.

Also we discussed about the thoughts of Eric Trist and his theory about the socio-technical system and how he believed change should be accepted by everyone. We were more over told to search about different theorists apart from the ones we discussed and were also given a paper quiz. In short, the week ended up by enhancing our brains with different styles and theories of management and how different kind of businesses can take advantage of these theories.

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